Drip integration with MagsFast

Creation date: 1/24/2023 5:48 PM    Updated: 2/20/2023 5:16 PM   drip account id
*Drip is currently the only email service we support. Signup for Drip here and we can add a custom workflow to your account, which has a series of warm-up and promotional emails you can import and edit for use with your magazine audience.

In order for your reader info (Name and Email + Issue/Subscription Purchased + Promo Tags) to be passed directly into your Drip account, we need you to take the following steps.

1. Login to Drip --> Settings --> Account (at bottom left side of the page)

2. Copy your Account ID from Drip

- Login to your MagCast dashboard and click through to your MagsFast account

Click on --> Profile

3. Paste your Drip Account ID and SAVE

4. Go back to Drip-->Account and scroll down to Members

5. Select role as Admin and invite Tech@MagCastApp.com

6. Select role as Admin and invite Support@MagCastApp.com

We will accept the invitations and you can test everything by using a MagsFast Promotional Link.
