How To Make Changes To Your Issue

If you've tested your issue and find you are not happy with a page's layout or discovered a mistake that needs fixing, here is the simple process you need to follow in order to make issue updates.


Click on your issue Cover
Select Edit PDF Version from your issue menu.

STEP 02: Option A -- You've picked up a mistake.

Once the PDF Version is open, locate the page that needs to be edited.
In the thumbnail for that page, click on Edit to open the page's canvas area.
Make the necessary changes to fix the mistake.
Click on Save.

Scroll down to STEP 3.

STEP 02: Option B -- You would like to add or replace a page.

Once the PDF Version is open, click on Import PDF and select the new page/s you would like to import.

TIP! It's not necessary to import your entire PDF, if you only want to add or replace a single page. You can import a single page or a series of pages if needed.

Once the import is complete, add the relevant links or media (where necessary) and then simply save your changes.


Go back to the Dashboard by clicking on Your Magazine button at the top of the screen.

Click on your Magazine Cover
Select Re-Publish Mag
This will publish the changes to your issue.

Creation date: 4/27/2021 1:11 PM      Updated: 7/14/2021 2:57 PM
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